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Himalayan salt stone massages – the sustainable stone massage

Using warm hand-carved salt stones, a Himalayan salt stone massage offers a satisfying eco-friendly alternative to traditional basalt stone massages.

Saltability’s pure Himalayan salt stones contain 84 naturally occurring minerals and elements – including iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium – that can help balance the central nervous system and nourish depleted cells.

When massaged over the body, the antimicrobial and antibacterial stones are claimed to help ground and balance our electromagnetic field and meridians, leaving a deep sense of relaxation.

At the beginning of each eco-friendly Himalayan salt experience, therapists start by warming the stones using Saltability’s polycarbonate bowl warmer. This ISPA Innovate Award-winning warmer features a shielded, LED energy source that uses no water or chemicals and can hold up to 18 stones.

Another sustainable choice is Saltability’s Himalayan Salt Bamboo Warming Tray. Featuring a UL- and CE-listed silicon-covered base with state-of-the-art heating technology that maintains a consistent temperature, the tray holds and warms 20 Himalayan salt stones as it gives off negative ions in the spa environment, creating a sense of wellness.

Every Saltability warmer comes with a one-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship from the date of original retail purchase. Plus, electrical connections are compatible with 110V for North America and 220V for Europe and surrounding countries.

Find out more at Saltability’s official website or email [email protected].

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